Introducing the first longevity risk management platform.

Do you own or consider buying longevity risk?

How much do you know about the population you are managing or considering buying?

By not proactively managing longevity risk, you may be missing $100-300M* for every 13K lives.

* Simulation based on SOA LTC tables of a ~13K block, factors only minimal set of interventions

Assured Allies Protect ™
Transforming long-term care and hybrid policies

Assured Allies partners with trusted home care agencies and other professional service providers to deliver and manage personalized intervention plans designed for individual policyholders and their families and proven to reduce LTC need.

We use predictive modeling to deliver the right intervention on the right person at the right time

of utilization risk

Prediction of intervention 
success & impact

Science-based approach to reduce LTC need

Assured Allies is a team of physicians, technologists, and caregivers who saw the opportunity to help our parents age happier and independently by taking a more proactive approach to managing the risks of aging.

Our approach relies on scientifically proven interventions to delay the need for costly long-term care services.


remain at home


reduction in nursing home admissions (NYUCI)

1 year

delay in nursing home placement with respite care

An End-to-End Solution for LTC Risk Reduction

Learn more about our programs and impact

Start rethinking aging solutions today

Contact us to see a simulation of how Assured Allies will impact your in-force blocks or new policies